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Receipt of orders and delivery

Orders are received from Monday until Friday, between 8.00 and 16.00.

The delivery of the ordered products is performed within 7 - 10 days from receipt of the order and its confirmation, in the case of items in stock.

Shipping costs represent the shipping charges requested by the courier company which performs the transport and these will be provided to you together with the order confirmation. For items which are not in stock, the delivery term can be of 30 days or more, depending on the availability of the products in the manufacturer's stock.

Products are shipped to customers in the sequence the orders were received, until stocks run out.

In the case of orders (received from the same customer/user) which include products available in stock and products which are not available in stock, the shipping will be performed according to the customer's preference: either in full when all the products included in the order are available or in turns (first the products available in stock and later the rest of the products included in the order).

Should the customer wish to personally pick the ordered products, he/she can come to the headquarters of S.C. Elmas S.R.L. in Brașov, B-dul Griviței, nr. 1Y, between 8.00 and 16.00, after prior notification of the supplier.